Today update is all about Bokeh, originally word from japanese which mean blur, Bokeh is a shape of small dot of light that can be describe the quality of the areas in the picture which are not in focus. Its like a small glooming light you can see in some picture that use big aperture and focus to only one thing ahead of it like portrait picture.
Bokeh can be customized into various shape like love shape, star, moon, butterfly and much more depends on your creativity. I show you some of my first trial of Bokeh techniques which I made it by myself.
Picture above is a normal Bokeh that actually created when taking a normal pictures. Lenses that I used is 18-55mm EFs Canon ( turn to 50mm ), F5.0 and set to MF, with 1/4 shutter speed. The techniques to get different shape of bokeh is to cut out - in out example a heart, moon and star is used as below. I slip the paper inside the filter as I am lazy to stick it out onto the lenses body.
The result will come out like this. Here are two shots to demonstrate this technique, just an average Bokeh picture to show you, must have to improve the skills and creativity to use Bokeh on next time! Catch ya later!